Are you tired of stubbing your toe on unlevel concrete slabs? Does your concrete garage floor have cracks or sound hollow? Has your patio or walkway sank to or below ground level? These and other concrete problems can be solved without the huge expense and inconvenience of replacing your concrete. Polyurethane foam injection is the fastest and most cost-effective solution for concrete leveling on a wide variety of surfaces or structures.

Our Foamjection product is made in the USA from environmentally friendly, 39-49% renewable and recycled materials that will not shrink, erode or degrade over time. And, injecting the foam as a liquid through your concrete surfaces only requires drilling a 3/8 inch hole, smaller than the size of a dime. Plus, this hole is professionally repaired to be virtually unnoticeable.
Within around two hours, your concrete slab or structure is level, stable and usable. The foam expands after being injected as a liquid, lifting and leveling concrete and stabilizing the structure for a long-term repair. You can use your concrete surface by the time our team leaves! It’s that simple!
Cracked, damaged or unlevel concrete surfaces can be completely restored with polyurethane foam leveling and void filling. View some of our recent projects to see how fast, affordable concrete leveling and void filling made a huge difference in these clients’ homes and businesses.